5.1.9sr1 - SRTC Procedure: Program Approval and Termination

The approval and/or termination of programs shall be based on budgetary consideration, enrollment figures, and needs assessments. State policies and procedures will be followed for all program approvals and terminations. The Vice President for Academic Affairs provides leadership for the following list of activities that must be accomplished before a program can be approved or terminated at Southern Regional Technical College. For new non-dual enrollment programs, the Dean that will supervise the program will lead the approval process and present the new program to the listed approval authorities. For new dual enrollment programs that will be offered at secondary institutions, the High School Coordinator serving that institution and the Dean that will supervise the program will lead the approval process, and will co-present the new program to the listed approval authorities.

New Program Approval Process:
  1. Obtain concept approval from President’s Leadership Cabinet (PLC) if applicable;
  2. Obtain new program review and input from Faculty Senate;
  3. Obtain PLC approval to add a new program of study;
  4. Obtain Local Board recommendation to submit a new program of study for approval to the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia (State Board);
  5. Enter new program data into the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Knowledge Management System (KMS);
  6. Obtain State Board approval of the new program;
  7. Obtain Financial Aid authority approval;
  8. Obtain Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) approval, if necessary;
  9. Obtain SACSCOC approval for a new Technical Certificate of Credit, Diploma, and Associate Degree; and
  10. Obtain program accreditation approval if applicable.
  11. Provide Institutional Advancement with the Major Code, Program Standard, and all Course Standards.
  12. Ensure accurate posting of the program information to the College website, college catalog, and all relevant and related materials.
Process for Expansion of Existing Programs to a New Site:
  1. Obtain concept approval from President’s Leadership Cabinet (PLC) if applicable;
  2. Obtain review and input from Faculty Senate;
  3. Obtain PLC approval;
  4. Enter new program data into the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Knowledge Management System (KMS);
  5. Obtain SACSCOC approval as required; and
  6. Obtain program accreditation approval if applicable.
Termination Process:
  1. Report program termination to PLC;
  2. Report program termination to Local Board;
  3. Request State Board approval of program termination, and submit Teach-out Plan developed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs by submitting Program Termination Request through KMS.
  4. Submit a letter of notification or Prospectus, as applicable, and Teach-out Plan to SACSCOC;
  5. Submit program termination notification to the program accreditation agency if applicable.
  6. Ensure removal of program information from the College website, college catalog, and all relevant and related materials.


The Vice President for Academic Affairs has the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.

SBTCSG Policy 5.1.9: Program Approval and Terminations
TCSG Procedure 5.1.9p: Program Approval and Terminations


Adopted: 03-09-2015
Implemented: 07-01-2015
Revised: 02-01-2016
Revised: 07-12-2016
Revised: 10-10-2019
Revised: 08-16-2022
Revised: 07-12-2023