6.1.1sr - SRTC Procedure: Disability Services

The Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) Disability Services seeks to assure applicants and students with disabilities equal access to its programs of study, activities, and services.

Disability Services are provided to ensure equal access to all aspects of the technical college experience for students with disabilities through the most appropriate accommodations. Services may be provided from the point of application through graduation and are based on each individual’s needs.

Services/accommodations may be made available to those students who self-identify and provide appropriate documentation of their disabilities. All services are provided at no charge to qualified students. SRTC strives to provide reasonable, quality services/accommodations based on the nature of the disability. The type of service/accommodation provided will not be disruptive and will not fundamentally alter the nature of the program.

If a student has a disability and is in need of accommodations, he or she is encouraged to contact the Disability Services Coordinator to self-identify and provide appropriate documentation. Accommodations will be provided based on individual need and medical documentation. Self-disclosures regarding the existence of a disability, or the functional limitations imposed by a disability, are made on a confidential basis. A statement regarding the process of self-disclosure for applicants with disabilities is included in the Southern Regional Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook.

A Special Populations survey is provided to each student enrolled in COLL 1500 upon which the student may request more information regarding Disability Services. Referrals for disability services may come from within the College, other colleges or agencies. However, the student must self-identify and request assistance from the Disability Services Coordinator before accommodations can be provided. Disability Services files are confidential and are kept in a secured location within the office of the Disability Services Coordinator. These files may not be accessed without written permission of the student or as otherwise provided by law. These files contain information concerning the nature of the student’s disability, appropriate documentation, services requested, and case notes regarding services provided.

Procedure for Acquiring and Utilizing Disability Services Accommodations

  1. Student self-identifies disability by speaking confidentially with the Disability Services Coordinator.
  2. Student provides appropriate documentation of disability.
  3. Disability Services Coordinator reviews documentation submitted by student, determines eligibility, selects appropriate accommodations, and prepares Faculty Notification Form.
  4. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Services Coordinator each term to request continued accommodations.
  5. Follow-up is conducted throughout the term.

Services Provided May Include:

  1. Registration assistance
  2. Orientation to the campus
  3. Career exploration
  4. Testing accommodations
  5. Recording/Enlarging reading materials
  6. Accessible parking
  7. Information and referral to campus and community support services
  8. Special equipment
  9. Architectural accessibility

The Vice President for Student Affairs has the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.

SBTCSG Policy 2.1.1: Statement of Equal Opportunity
TCSG Procedure 2.1.1p: Statement of Equal Opportunity
SRTC Procedure: Statement of Equal Opportunity

Adopted: 11-04-2014
Implemented: 07-01-2015
Revised: 09-20-2022