6.3.2sr – SRTC Procedure: Archived Information
The archiving of official catalogs, digital or print, are maintained in the Registrar’s office and enables Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) to maintain relevant information for course and degree requirements sufficient to serve former and returning students. College catalog archives are used for historical reference and informational purposes. Information or policies within the archived catalogs, though accurate at the time of publication, may no longer be accurate and/or applicable, but rather are updated annually to preserve current information. Students admitted to the College are admitted under the current catalog meaning the information published in the most recent published date is relevant to the student according to the date of admission.
SRTC publishes a new catalog prior to the beginning of each academic year in August. Once the new year’s catalog is published, the previous year’s catalog is archived. As referenced in the Technical College System of Georgia Procedure 6.3.2p (V.R.) TCSG Student Records Retention Schedule, catalogs are retained permanently.
All college catalogs are maintained electronically and backed up regularly to ensure long-time maintenance of the college’s catalogs. The Registrar and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement are responsible for maintaining the electronic copies of the catalogs.
The Vice President for Student Affairs and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement have the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.
TCSG Procedure 6.3.2p: Student Records Retention Schedule
Adopted: 05-01-2018
Implemented: 05-01-2018
Revised: 10-04-2022