As the Hurricane Michael recovery process continues in much of Southwest Georgia, Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) students, faculty, and staff are joining the relief effort. Student organizations across multiple campuses are combining their efforts, both to provide nonperishable items to aid in recovery, and to provide refreshments for students who have been impacted by the historic storm.
All SRTC students who have been impacted by Hurricane Michael are encouraged to stop by the “Relief Response Room” in order to receive free donated relief and recovery items. The Relief Response Room, which opened on Monday, October 22nd, is located in Building A, Room 240 on SRTC’s Thomasville campus.
Relief response items will be available to students on the Bainbridge campus beginning on Tuesday, October 30 after 12:00 pm. Students may pick up these donated items from the Student Wellness Center.
Also on Monday, October 22nd, students on several campuses were provided with a welcome respite in the form of free refreshments at lunch. Southern Regional Technical College’s Student Government Association and SkillsUSA club members welcomed all students who were impacted by Hurricane Michael to enjoy free refreshments. Refreshments will be available once again at each of SRTC’s main campuses during the following times while supplies last:
Bainbridge Student Wellness Center: Tuesday, October 30 from 12:00 – 12:30 pm
Moultrie – Veterans Parkway Building B Student Lounge: Thursday, October 25 from 12:00 – 12:30 pm
Thomasville Building A, Room 240: Thursday, October 25 from 12:00 – 12:30 pm
Tifton: October 25 from 12:00 – 12:30 pm
On the Thomasville Campus of SRTC, Student Government Association and SkillsUSA club members continue to collect a variety of nonperishable items for students who have been impacted by hurricane Michael. Club members and their faculty advisors are encouraging SRTC's college community as well as area residents to join them in gathering contributions. Donations may be dropped off until November 8th in Building A, Room 240, Monday through Thursday between the hours of 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
On the Moultrie campus of SRTC, the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is asking for donations of bottled water, nonperishable foods, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, wet wipes, feminine products, sunscreen, and blankets. Items collected on the Moultrie campus will help residents of the Florida Panhandle who were impacted by Hurricane Michael. NTHS will be gathering these items now through December 17th. Club members are encouraging SRTC's college community as well as Colquitt County residents to join them in gathering donations. Donation boxes will be located around the Moultrie – Veterans Parkway Campus.