Top Five Career Fair Tips

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Many employers report that job seekers are not prepared when they attend a career fair.
From sloppy appearance to unprofessional resumes, employers cannot ignore these cues that attendees are not job ready.
The good news is that YOU can stand out from the crowd and have the best chance at being their top candidate if you do just a little work ahead of time.

top career fair tips graphic with title

Career Fair Tip #1: Perfect your First Impression!
There will be a lot of people at a career fair. Make sure you are memorable for your professionalism.
Either “business casual” OR “interview attire” is appropriate.
(Dress to your desired industry.)

-Cover tattoos if possible.
-Remove visible piercings (other than in ears).
-No jeans or shorts.
-Do not chew gum, eat or drink while in the Career Fair.
-Do not bring children or strollers.

Career Fair Tip #2: Prepare your "One Minute Commercial."
Often, you have less than 60 seconds to "sell" yourself as the best candidate for the job. Be ready to wow them by having a concise and impactful "One Minute Commercial" about yourself:

-Introduce yourself (name, major/degree)
-Demonstrate what you know about the organization (Hint: 5 minutes on Google can be enough to get a great conversation started!)
-Express your interest in a certain type of position or area in the organization
-Describe what you have to offer the organization

Career Fair Tip #3: Practice Professional Communication Skills

-Introduce yourself with a firm handshake
-Speak clearly and concisely
-Answer questions thoughtfully
-Have your resume with you and easily accessible
-Demonstrate confidence
-Be open and honest
-Maintain good eye contact
-Show enthusiasm and interest

Career Fair Tip #4: What NOT to do at a Career Fair
Be sure that you don't make these common mistakes at a Career Fair! Employers are watching, and don't forget: You are ALWAYS interviewing!

-Do NOT have a poor or unprofessional attitude.
-Do NOT just grab "free stuff" just because it's there.
-Do NOT avoid eye contact.
-Do NOT forget to bring a pen.
-Do NOT give a weak handshake.
-Do NOT miss out on the opportunity to fill out a job application.
-Do NOT dress sloppily.
-Do NOT forget to bring a resume.
Most importantly:
-Do NOT miss out on this great opportunity to meet employers who are looking to hire NOW!

Career Fair Tip #5: What to do AFTER the Career Fair.

If you meet an employer that you would like to work with, following up with them is very important to help you to stand out in their minds! Take the initiative!
Be sure to ask for the contact information of organizations that you would be interested in working with.
Send a thank you letter and indicate your continued interest in the organization and opportunities.

Are YOU looking for a job? Mark your calendar for a FREE community career fair at SRTC - Moultrie on the morning of April 22, 9:30am – 12noon.
In the Southwest Georgia Bank Conference Venter at SRTC’s Veterans Parkway Campus: 800 Veterans Parkway North, Moultrie, GA, 31788

For more information about how our office of Career Services helps prepare students for lifelong success, click here:
