Proctoring Information

Proctoring Services

SRTC provides on-campus proctoring at no charge for students of TCSG colleges and employees of SRTC. It is important to note that while SRTC does not charge a fee to proctor any student taking classes from a TCSG college, some proctoring facilities do charge. In the event a student chooses to be proctored at a facility that charges a fee, that fee must be paid by the student.

Students requiring special accommodations should communicate with the Disability Services Coordinator and his/her instructors in advance of the proctored events so that accommodations can be made to meet the students’ needs.

Proctored Event Methods

  • The student attends an instructor-scheduled proctored event.
  • The student submits a request to the Distance Education Department to schedule an appointment for the proctored event. The student must submit the proctoring request two weeks prior to the exam date. The Distance Education Department sends a confirmation email to the student’s SRTC email account.
  • The student submits a request to the instructor to complete the event at an alternate location. The alternate location must meet the Proctor and Site Requirements listed below.

Proctor and Site Requirements

Any student choosing to utilize an alternate proctoring location is responsible for finding a qualified proctor who meets the following criteria:

  • teacher,
  • professor,
  • library staff member,
  • administrator in a secondary school, college, university, library, or testing center, or
  • commissioned officer whose rank is higher than the student's.

NOTE: Proctors cannot be family members, friends, or co-workers.

Before submitting a request for approval, the student must confirm that the proctor has the following:

  • a business e-mail address (Exam materials are not sent to a proctor who does not have a business e-mail address).
  • a computer with the requirements stated on the Georgia Virtual Connection (GVTC) website, and
  • access to a fax machine or scanner for returning completed documents to SRTC.

Proctoring Non-TCSG Students

A non-Technical College System (TCSG) of Georgia student who requests Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) to proctor an exam is required to complete the following process.

  • The student must contact SRTC’s Distance Education Department to secure a date for the proctored event within two weeks prior to the desired exam date.
  • Once the date has been approved, the student must have the home college send the necessary information for testing to the SRTC Distance Education Department.
  • The student must pay a $25.00 proctoring fee to the SRTC Bookstore, and show the receipt to the SRTC’s Distance Education Department before the exam is proctored.
  • For paper exams to be returned to the home college, the student or home college must supply the SRTC Distance Education Department with a stamped, addressed envelope.
  • The student must adhere to the home college’s proctoring guidelines.

For questions or additional information, please contact the Distance Education department at 229-225-4326, or 229-217-4172.