1.1sr – SRTC Procedure: Procedure Development and Approval

All College personnel are encouraged to make suggestions for the formation of new procedures and contribute to the modification of existing ones. Recommendations must be approved by the President prior to any actual procedure development or modifications. Procedures are amended or adopted at any regularly scheduled meeting of the President’s Leadership Cabinet (PLC).

Procedure Development and Approval

Once a valid need for a specific procedure is determined by the President, the general procedure to evaluate the issue shall be as follows:

  1. President or President's designee will define the issue to be covered by the procedure, establish a time schedule, and direct administrators to make staff assignments for research of the issue, if necessary.
  2. Procedures will generally be drafted by a PLC staff member employed in the work unit that the procedure applies. Assistance and/or input from other work units will be requested as needed.
  3. Procedure proposals will be brought to the PLC for approval.

The President has the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.

Adopted: 02-23-2015
Implemented: 07-01-2015