2.3.3sr1 – SRTC Procedure: Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Effectiveness is defined as the positive correlation of results to expectations. Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) engages in an institutional effectiveness (IE) system that is ongoing, comprehensive, integrated, and includes college-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes.

  1. Purpose

The purpose of institutional effectiveness at SRTC is as follows:

  1. To support an ongoing, integrated, College-wide system that utilizes the College’s Mission as the foundation of research, data collection, evaluation, assessment, analysis, planning, budgeting, and implementation processes;
  2. To provide a method for faculty, staff, students, and administrators to have opportunity to provide input regarding programs, processes, and services at SRTC;
  3. To provide a basis for coordinating reports, data collection, and research that supports evaluation, assessment, and planning efforts. This ensures the uniform dissemination of data and research results to internal constituencies and external agencies and organizations;
  4. To ensure that continuous institutional improvement is based on the use of accurate information for decision-making; and
  5. To ensure that the effectiveness of the College’s institutional research (IR) data and results reports are reviewed regularly and that the results are used for improving reporting.
  1. Process

Institutional Effectiveness at SRTC maintains a comprehensive College-wide institutional improvement process that ensures the following:

  1. The process is driven by the College’s Mission and Goals.
  2. The process involves faculty, staff, and administration, and students.
  3. The process provides opportunity for input from program advisory committees, the local Board of Directors, and other constituent groups within the service delivery area.
  4. The process utilizes institutional research as an integral part of College data collection, evaluation, assessment, analysis, planning, budgeting, and implementation.
  5. The process complies with the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and meets accreditation requirements.
  6. The process intends to result in continuous improvement in the quality of the College’s academic instructional delivery, student service and administrative support operations.
  1. Responsibility for Institutional Effectiveness Processes and Products

The Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness (VPIE) has primary responsibility for coordinating College research; data collection, assessment, analysis, planning, and implementation processes; and completion of reports relevant to those topics as needed or required. In addition, the VPIE has responsibility for ensuring that the effectiveness of the College’s Institutional Effectiveness Division also engages in continuous improvement through the process of planning, assessment, and analysis.

College research, data collection, assessment, analysis, planning, budgeting, and implementation efforts coordinated by the VPIE or others as specified below include:

  1. Annual Review: College Mission
  2. Periodic Review: College Vision, Values, and Goals
  3. Five-Year Strategic Plan Preparation includes the following:
    1. Consider input from the TCSG Strategic Plan, Master Facilities Plan and Information Technology Plan.
    2. Complete an Environmental Scan including, but not limited to Business and Industry Training Needs Survey; Labor Market Analysis; and Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.
    3. Summarize the findings of the Environmental Scan into report form for consideration by the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee.
    4. Formulate a list of Strategic Goals that address the opportunities and issues identified in the Environmental Scan.
    5. At the Division Level, assemble a list of Measurable Objectives designed to achieve successful completion of the Strategic Goals.
  4. Bi-Annual Strategic Plan Update
  5. Perkins Federal Grant Requirement
  6. Customer Evaluations: Internal and External as required by unit Plans and/or designated need
  7. Research and Data
  8. Periodic Assessment Plans in compliance with SACSCOC requirements.

The report and research coordination efforts of the VPIE ensure uniformity in data dissemination by coordinating all statistical data and information developed through institutional research and effectiveness processes for dissemination to internal and external constituents.

The VPIE has the primary responsibility for maintaining an archive of SRTC Data, Evaluation Instruments/Surveys, and Results Reports.

  1. Procedures for Research, Data Collection, Assessment, Analysis, Planning, Budgeting, and Implementation.
  1. Research, Data Collection, Planning, and Implementation

    Research, Data Collection, Planning, Budgeting, and Implementation involves designated faculty and staff through a structured process coordinated by the VPIE and enacted by the President's Leadership Cabinet (PLC).

    1. Research and Data Collection are ongoing processes that occur throughout the College during the year with varying schedules. In addition to research, institutional and program data collected for the College and for the TCSG are provided to stakeholders upon their request.

    2. . Planning and Implementation represent both "Strategic" and "Operational" planning with the two strategies intertwined and supporting one another. Faculty and staff participate in strategic planning and in preparing Assessment Plans. Administrative, support, and academic units formulate improvement or enhancement plans based on the analysis of assessment results, and report those within the Assessment Plans.
  2. Annual Review: College Mission
    An annual review is conducted of the College's Mission statement for the purpose of revision and/or ensuring continuing alignment with the Mission of the Technical College System of Georgia. The President’s Leadership Cabinet begins the review followed by the local Board of Directors. If changes are suggested for the College Mission statement, it is forwarded to the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia for review, update, and final approval.
  3. Periodic Review: College Vision, Values, and Goals
    A periodic review is conducted of the College's Vision, Values, and Goals by the President’s Leadership Cabinet. The review precedes the preparation of a new Strategic Plan. The review ensures that the College Vision, Values, and Goals are consistent with the College Mission.
  4. Five-Year Strategic Plan
    The SRTC faculty, staff, and local Board of Directors (BOD) develop a comprehensive five-year Strategic Plan. Input is gathered from the College’s students, faculty, staff, program advisory committee members, and the local Board of Directors. Input is also gathered from the community through the completion of the Business and Industry Training Needs Survey or similar industry research relevant to the College service area.

    The plan is based as follows:
    1) Consider input from the TCSG Strategic Plan, Master Facilities Plan and Information Technology Plan;
    2) Complete an Environmental Scan including, but not limited to Business and Industry Training Needs Survey; Labor Market Analysis; and Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis;
    3) Summarize the findings of the Environmental Scan into report form for consideration by the Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee;
    4) Formulate a list of Strategic Goals that address the opportunities and issues identified in the Environmental Scan;
    5) At the Division Level, assemble a list of Measurable Objectives designed to achieve successful completion of the Strategic Goals. The Strategic Plan establishes College goals and strategic objectives that include all functional areas of the College. The IE Division is responsible for facilitating the Strategic Plan development.|
    6) The Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee is responsible for developing the Strategic Plan.
  5. Bi-Annual Assessment of Strategic Plan/Strategic Plan Implementation:
    Every odd academic year, an analysis is completed by stakeholders to assess the College’s progress in accomplishing the Strategic Goals included in the College’s Strategic Plan. The progress is documented. The IE Division coordinates this activity.

    College Goals, Strategic, and Activities:
    Every odd academic year, an analysis is completed by stakeholders to assess the College’s progress in accomplishing the Strategic Goals included in the College’s Strategic Plan. The progress is documented. The IE Division coordinates this activity.
  6. Perkins Federal Grant Requirements
    As a public post-secondary institution offering career and technical education programs, Southern Regional Technical College is eligible to receive Carl D. Perkins Grant funding through the Technical College System of Georgia called the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins Federal Grant) to assist students in their college journey.

    SRTC submits to TCSG a Perkins Local Application as required and one-year budget in order to receive Perkins Federal Grant funds. The Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for coordinating the Perkins Federal Grant process. Periodic on-site Internal Control Reviews are conducted by the Technical College System of Georgia to verify each College is in compliance with the Perkins Federal Grant requirements.
  7. Customer Evaluations/Surveys
    Internal and external customer evaluations/surveysare completed for divisions, departments, programs, and the College overall. The customer survey results are used on an ongoing and/or as-needed basis. Examples of evaluations/surveys administered regularly include:
  • New Student Orientation Survey
  • New Student Orientation Survey: High School Sites
  • Student Evaluations of Instructors/Instruction
  • Student Evaluations of Clinical Instructors/Coordinators/Instruction
  • Student Evaluation of Online Instructor/Instruction
  • Adult Education Instructor/Class Evaluation
  • Economic Development Course Evaluation
  • Facility Rental Evaluation
  • Student Survey
  • Student Survey: High School Sites
  • Colleague Survey
  • Graduate Exit Survey
  • Graduate Follow-up Survey (as requested by faculty)
  • Employer Follow-up Survey (as requested by faculty)

Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Economic Development, and the Institutional Effectiveness Divisions are responsible for these evaluations/surveys. The Institutional Research Coordinator is responsible for administering most evaluations/surveys, for compiling most evaluation/survey results, and for writing results reports. Findings are used during the assessment of programs, functional units, and the College. Evaluation/survey findings are continuously reviewed and action is taken as needed.

  1. Research and Data
    Research is conducted and data is collected and compiled for use by units and programs as needed to support the assessment of expected outcomes established by units and programs and to support the assessment of student learning outcomes by general education and academic programs.

  2. College Unit Assessment and Planning
    Each administrative and student support department unit, general education department, and academic occupational program area reviews their purpose statements relevant to the College Mission and assesses and records performance on established Expected Outcomes periodically in keeping with defined Assessment Cycles. College-established program outcomes are assessed, analyzed, and used by administrative and support units to plan improvements for the following assessment cycle. General education departments and academic programs also periodically measure performance of student learning outcomes as an Expected Outcome.

    Plan actions include focus on “next steps” to take for continuous improvement. Personnel leading Units designated as Planning Units shall ensure that plans are made for unmet expected outcomes and/or student learning outcomes, or for those unit outcomes where improvement is needed or desired. Each outcome shall be linked to a College Strategic Goal

    The following SRTC Units assemble, implement, assess, and improve upon Unit Plans in keeping with this procedure:
  • Academic Affairs
    • All for-credit Academic Programs
    • All General Education Programs
    • Adult Education
    • Distance Education
    • Information Technology
    • Library Services
    • Student Success Center
  • Administrative Services
  • Economic Development
  • Facilities
  • Institutional Advancement, Marketing and Public Relations
  • Institutional Effectiveness
  • Police Department
  • Student Affairs

It shall be the responsibility of each President’s Leadership Cabinet position to ensure those Unit Plans within their respective areas are assembled, maintained, and assessed in keeping with this procedure

  1. Procedures for Research

    A. The IE Division Works with Other Institutional Offices, Committees, and Personnel to do the Following:
  1. Identify institutional research data needs and implement strategies to satisfy such needs.
  1. Gather, organize, and interpret institutional data including data concerning internal conditions that impact the College and recommend ways to apply the data in a meaningful context.
  1. Disseminate institutional data to divisions, departments, and programs of the College in meaningful and usable formats when appropriate.
  1. Provide assistance and support to other institutional offices and personnel engaged in institutional and external research studies.
  1. Coordinate the timely and accurate completion of institutional surveys or requests for data from external agencies. Priority is given to data requests and surveys undertaken by and/or on behalf of governmental and accrediting agencies.
  1. Archive survey results reports, data reports, and other information on the College’s shared drive for college-wide access for easy reference/use by SRTC faculty and staff.

B. Requests for Services

  1. Requests for institutional data, reports, surveys, and other forms of information services are handled in the following manner:
  • Internal requests for research projects will be submitted to the VPIE outlining the scope of services needed and the desired time frame.
  • External generated surveys, forms, and other requests involving institutional data and statistics will be forwarded to the IE Division upon receipt.

C. Evaluation of Institutional Research

  1. The Colleague Survey includes a question as to the usefulness of data reports, survey, and/or evaluation results provided to the College, divisions, departments, and programs.
  2. The IE Division uses findings from the Colleague Survey to improve IE processes and products.

VI. Timeline for College Research, Data Collection, Evaluation, Assessment, Analysis, Planning, Budgeting, and Implementation

A. August-Following August
The IE Division conducts academic year research and customer evaluations/surveys; collects data for administrative units and programs; compiles results; and disseminates results’ reports and program data on an on-going basis for use in evaluation, assessment, analysis, and planning. Programs and services are
delivered to the community during the academic year. Plans are implemented, and progress is monitored. Research is conducted, and required evaluations/surveys are completed.

B. September
Assessment/Planning Cycle ends. All end-of-year data for the Academic Year ending in August is finalized. Academic Programs assess the Expected Outcomes for the ending Assessment Cycle, in preparation for preparing Plans for the next Assessment Cycle.

C. October
Assessment/Planning Cycle begins. Expected Outcomes for this cycle are assessed. Relevant planning personnel for each department record the assessment results and use them to assemble a Draft Unit Plan to begin implementation the following Fiscal Year.

D. November
Advisory Committee meetings are held prior to December 15 with agenda item calling for the Advisory Committee to approve, revise, or replace the Draft Data Analysis Conclusion Report.

E. December
Advisory Committee meetings have been held and Advisory Committee input considered during assembly of the Final Unit Plans.

F. January – February
An annual review is conducted of the SRTC Mission statement. The PLC begins the review followed by the local Board of Directors. If changes are suggested for the College Mission statement, it is forwarded to the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia (SBTCSG) for review, update, and final approval. Academic Programs assemble and submit Final Plans for the appropriate Expected Outcomes, to begin implementation with the Fiscal Year beginning July 1st.

The Strategic Plan is developed every five years and updated bi-annually every odd Academic Year.

G. March
Administrative Unit Plans are assembled, ensuring the Academic Program Plans are considered. All Plan action initiatives are budgeted and Unit Plans completed by May 1st.

H. May
Administrative Unit Plans are completed, with implementation to begin July 1st.

I. June
Budgets are assembled, Academic and Unit Plans are amended as required by the final Budget.

J. July
New Fiscal Year begins, action items from all Administrative and Academic Plans are implemented with funding.

Responsibility: The Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness has the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.

TCSG Policy Manual
SBTCSG Policy 2.1.3: Responsibilities and Authority
SBTCSG Policy 2.4.1: Local Board Responsibilities and Authority
SBTCSG Policy 2.2.2: Agency Strategic Planning
SBTCSG Policy 2.3.2: Responsibilities and Authority of Technical College Presidents
TCSG Procedure 2.3.2p: Presidential Responsibilities
SBTCSG Policy 2.3.3: TCSG College Strategic Planning

TCSG Procedure: 2.3.3p: TCSG College Strategic Planning

Adopted: 11-17-2014
Implemented: 07-01-2015
Revised: 07-12-2016
Revised: 05-02-2017
Revised: 08-01-2017
Revised: 07-10-2018
Updated: 04-25-2019
Revised: 10-10-2019
Revised: 08-17-2020
Revised: 12-08-2021
Revised: 05-17-2022