SRTC Procedure: Marketing/PR/Media

The SRTC Marketing and Public Relations office’s mission is to enhance awareness of the College’s programs and services to prospective students, current students, faculty and staff, business and industry, and the community at large in our eleven-county service area and within the high schools we serve. The marketing and public relations team is dedicated to being a full-service, comprehensive department which supports the mission and vision of SRTC while providing the faculty and staff with the materials needed to effectively market the College to potential students, community leaders, business and industry, and other related audiences. The SRTC Marketing and Public Relations department is responsible for both internal and external communication.

Section 1: Communications:

The Marketing and Public Relations office oversees all publications from the college. It is the responsibility of the department to develop, design, and approve all communications (i.e. website, newsletters, brochures, flyers, etc.) going to external stakeholders. For assistance with any communications piece, please contact the Marketing and Public Relations department. We ask that you provide a minimum of two weeks lead time for any item that requires production and print.

Section 2: Marketing & Advertising:

Effective branding is achieved through presenting a consistent message and image of Southern Regional Technical College. Consistent branding contributes to the public’s perception of quality, service, and integrity of our institution. Therefore, the Marketing and Public Relations office oversees all logoed materials, television, radio, digital media, social media, campus signage, presentations, scripted materials, fast facts, and all other communication pieces shared on behalf of SRTC. No documents, flyers, presentations, or other materials should be created or shared on behalf of a program or the College without the approval of the Director of Marketing and Public Relations.

  • Official Colors
    • Navy: PMS – 648C RGB – 0, 46, 93 CMYK – 100, 87, 36, 29
    • Green: PMS – 377U RGB – 121, 163, 64 CMYK – 59, 18, 100, 2
    • Gray: Pantone Cool Gray 10U or 60% Black
  • Primary Typeface:
    • ITC Avant Garde Gothic Standard
  • Guidelines for Logo Use: To accommodate the technical needs of various media there are two versions of the SRTC for use in print and digital applications. The SRTC logo consists of two elements: the round “insignia” and the logotype “Southern Regional Technical College” and/or “SRTC.” It incorporates unique features and may not be redrawn, reconstructed, or modified in any way. The integrity of the logo should always be maintained. It should be rendered only in the official colors, white, or black. It may also be etched on metal or glass or stamped on metal or leather. To maintain the integrity and overall consistency of the SRTC logo they must never be altered. Only use prepared logo files. The color, size, and proportions have been carefully determined and may not be altered in any way. These can be obtained from the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Section 3: Media Relations:

An effective media relations procedure safeguards brand reputation and a consistent image. All preparation and release of information about SRTC to the media is coordinated by the Marketing and Public Relations office, unless otherwise authorized by the president. It is in the best interest of the College to be a reliable media source, and as such, all media inquiries should be addressed as quickly as possible. It is our aim to ensure that we are communicating to the media in one responsive voice.

SRTC provides a robust proactive media relations program. The department maintains relationships with local reporters and ensures that information distributed to the media is accurate, timely, newsworthy, and portrays the college in an appropriate manner. Below are some general guidelines on what to do if you are contacted by the media.

  • Preparation for Interviews: If a reporter contacts you, please notify a member of the marketing and public relations team immediately. If you are asked to speak to a reporter, the College PR staff will work with you to prepare your remarks and help you gather appropriate information. Preparation is key to a good interview.
  • Media Referrals for Faculty/Staff: All reporters requesting information about the College by telephone, email, letter, fax or personal visit should begin their inquiry in the Marketing and Public Relations office. The department will refer the reporter to the appropriate source. To direct reporters to the marketing department, please have them contact one of the following: Brittany Bryant at or Amelia Thompson at
  • Media Visits: While we welcome news media to our schools just as the public is welcome, neither the public nor reporters have an indiscriminate right to access the college. Reporters should seek permission before entering school property (exterior or interior) for the purpose of reporting or filming. Such permission generally will be granted as long as the reporting activities, in our opinion, do not disrupt classes; interfere with the privacy of students, faculty or staff; or jeopardize the safety of school personnel or visitors.
  • Freedom of Information Act: As required by the Freedom of Information Act, Southern Regional Technical College will provide reporters with most forms of information. Such requests from the media, however, should come through the President and the Director of Marketing and Public Relations.
  • Crisis Communications: In the event of a crisis or emergency, notify the president’s office immediately. See SRTC’s Crisis Communication Plan.

Section 4: Social Media:

Please see SRTC Procedure for appropriate Social Media behavior.

The Director of Marketing and Public Relations has the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.

SRTC Procedure: Social Media

Adopted: 08-21-2018
Implemented: 08-21-2018
Revised: 06-06-2022
Revised: 09-30-2024