SRTC Procedure: Student Publications

Student publications must be in accordance with the Mission of Southern Regional Technical College. Among publication goals should be the desire to provide needed information for the student body, encourage student participation in campus activities, and to reflect a positive image for the College in the community at large. Student Publications should also provide for the participating students opportunities for enhancing leadership and communication skills.

The student club or organization must make a written request to the appropriate advisor or dean. Upon approval by the advisor or dean, the request is forwarded to the appropriate Vice President. Upon approval the request is forwarded to the Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Publications must meet all the procedures and requirements set forth by Southern Regional Technical College and must be in accordance with all relevant State Board Policies and TCSG Procedures.

Prior to publication, all manuscripts shall be passed through a faculty/staff advisor in order to check for grammar, format, and spelling. Before final printing, copy must be submitted to the appropriate vice president and Director of Marketing and Public Relations for approval to ensure that the publications reflect the institution, are accurate, and maintain integrity.

It is the responsibility of the publication staff to maintain the highest degree of professionalism in terms of accuracy, purpose, and responsible citizenship.

Distribution of copy should be made available at convenient places to all students, including the off-campus teaching sites.

All student publications must adhere to the Student Conduct Code, which is also published in the Southern Regional Technical College Catalog and Student Handbook.

The Director of Marketing and Public Relations has the overall responsibility for ensuring this procedure is implemented.

Adopted: 02-23-2015
Implemented: 07-01-2015
Revised: 03-02-2021
Revised: 10-04-2022