Radiologic Technology – Moultrie Program

Welcome to the Moultrie campus Radiologic Technology program website! We are glad you have taken the opportunity to learn more about our program. In addition to the main program website, the following information concerns the Moultrie campus Radiologic Technology program. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact one of the program faculty.

Program Chair – Moultrie: Amanda Price, (229) 255-3934,
Clinical Coordinator –
Moultrie: E. Brooke Gagnon, (229) 891-7030 |

Radiologic Technology – Moultrie Student Handbook

Orientation for Radiology is mandatory and you will be contacted by the college with details.

Program Mission:

The mission of the Southern Regional Technical College Radiology program is to provide a comprehensive didactic and clinical education, which will prepare graduates with the entry-level skills necessary to seek employment as a radiographer and earn an associate’s degree at the end of the program.

Clinical Affiliates:

The Radiologic Technology Program – Moultrie Campus is affiliated with clinical education settings that are hospital, orthopedic, and clinic based settings to give our students a complete overview of the career that they may encounter upon graduation. Each student, upon acceptance into the program, is required to undergo a criminal background check and a drug screening processes to satisfy our clinical affiliate’s requirements. More information will be given about this process during orientation. Students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology program will perform clinical duties two to three days per week throughout their tenure in the program. Some evening clinical rotations are required, as well as adequate transportation since some of clinical sites are forty-five minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes from the campus. In addition to these requirements, all students enrolled in a healthcare division program that utilizes clinical or an internship are assessed a student fee that covers our liability insurance program for student healthcare professionals.

  • Archbold Medical Center-Brook County Hospital – Quitman, GA
  • Colquitt Regional Medical Center – Moultrie, GA
  • Colquitt Regional Medical Center- Sterling Center – Moultrie, GA
  • Tallahassee Memorial Hospital - Tallahassee, FL
  • Tift Regional Medical Center- Tifton, GA
  • Tift Regional Medical Center - West Campus - Tifton, GA
  • Visions Imaging Center – Thomasville, GA

Please review the following links for specific information about particular categories:

Category Direct Link
Admission and Transfer of Credit procedures
Tuition, Fees, and Refunds
Graduation Requirements
Grading System
Program mission statement, goals, and student learning outcomes** Program Goals and SLOs
Accreditation Status**
Articulation agreement(s) SRTC Transfer Agreements
Academic calendar SRTC 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Clinical Obligations
Grievance policy and/or procedures
Program Effectiveness Data on JRCERT provided template** Program Effectiveness Data