Mechatronics Specialist, TCC (AM11) (470303)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Moultrie (Veterans Parkway), Tifton, Tift County High School, Cairo High School College and Career Academy, Bainbridge High School , Seminole County High School , Worth County High School

The Mechatronics Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit provides students with the necessary skills and understanding to perform installation, diagnostics and repair mechatronic systems and automated equipment. The program focuses on Mechanics, Fluid Power and Robotics.

Length of Program: Two (2) Semesters

Entrance Date: Beginning of each semester.

Entrance Requirements: Refer to Admission criteria.

Age: Applicant must be 16 years of age or older.

Education: An applicant must be a high school graduate or the equivalent (GED). College transcripts will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Program Final Exit Point: Mechatronics Specialist, Technical Certificate of Credit.

Credits Required For Graduation: 11 minimum semester hour credits required for graduation.

Note: Credits from this program may be applied to a degree or a diploma program.

Admissions Fees: $384.00
Books: $500.00
Tuition: $642.00
Total: $1,526.00
Admissions Fees: $379.00
Books: $500.00
Tuition: $535.00
Total: $1,414.00
Curriculum Outline (9 hours)
1: Occupational Courses 9
AUMF 1150

Pre-Requisite(s): AUMF 1120 This course explores basic robotic concepts and studies robots in typical application environments. Topics include: robot history and fundamentals, robot classification, power sources, robot applications in the workplace, robot control techniques, path control, end of arm tooling, robot operation and robot controllers, controller architecture in a system, robotic language programming, and human interface issues.

ELCR 2140

Pre-Requisite(s): Provisional Admission or Faculty Approval Develops knowledge and skills necessary to transmit mechanical power using common industrial linkage types. Emphasis is placed on use of mechanical devices in combination with electronic controls. Topics include: linkages, motion analysis, gear drives, and preventative maintenance.

IDSY 1160

This course introduces the student to fundamental laws and principles of mechanics. Topics include: Mechanical Principles of Simple Machines; Force, Torque, Acceleration, and Intertia; Rotational Motion; Work, Power, and Energy; Matter; Gases; Fluid Power; and Heat. The course emphasizes understanding terminology and using related problem solving skills in everyday physical applications of mechanical technology. Competencies are reinforced with practical hands-on lab exercises.


Manufacturing Operations and Engineering Faculty
School of Industrial Technology

15689 U.S. 19, Thomasville, GA 31792

Industrial Systems Technology Faculty
School of Industrial Technology

52 Tech Drive, Tifton, GA 31794
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